KNEC Sets Strict Rules for Head-Teachers and SCDEs in Registration of Grade 3 Pupils Exams

KNEC Sets Strict Rules for Head-Teachers and SCDEs in Registration of Grade 3 Pupils Exams

The Kenya National Examinations Council KNEC has outlined the set rules and responsibilities for school head-teachers and all the sub-county Directors of Education SCDEs during the registration of grade 3 pupils examinations.

Following the adoption of the new Competency-Based CBC curriculum, Grade 3 learners are expected to be assessed before proceeding to grade 4.

The set rules and responsibilities will aid in the identification and registration of the grade 3 learners in this year’s Kenya Early Years Assessment KEYA.

According to the KNEC circular ( KNEC/EA/EM/KEYA/ENRL/19/001) dated 24th June 2019, the following are the responsibilities of the above key stakeholders in ensuring effective and accurate enrollment of Grade 3 learners:

Responsibilities of Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) in Enrolment of Grade 3 Pupils for KEYA

The SCDEs are responsible for the successful enrolment of all Grade 3 learners in their Sub Counties. They are expected to ensure that:-

1. All schools in the Sub County are enrolled in the KNEC KEYA portal;

2. All schools without KNEC codes are issued with codes for purposes of enrolment of learners;

3. Once a school has been coded, the Sub county Director of Education is expected to submit the information to KNEC immediately for activation of the school code;

4. Head teachers within their administrative zones identify their learners, edit the details where errors are noted and enroll learners who are not captured in the KEYA data within the stipulated period;

5. Assistance/intervention is provided for schools that may experience challenges in accessing KEYA portal;

6. Feedback on the infrastructure required for KEYA (e-Readiness) in schools is submitted to KNEC by 15th July 2019;

Responsibilities of Head-Heachers in Registration of Grade 3 Learners for KEYA

The head of the institution is directly responsible for enrolment of learners in their schools and are expected to ensure that:

1. All eligible learners in Grade 3 are identified in the KEYA database and those missing are enrolled online;

2. Parents/Guardians of the learners are involved in the enrolment process to ensure that their bio data details are correctly captured in the KEYA database;

3. Learners with Special Needs and Disabilities are accurately identified and their information correctly captured during enrolment under the following categories:

  • Hearing Impairment;
  • Totally Blind;
  • Low Vision;
  • Deaf Blind;
  • Cerebral Palsy;
  • Autism;
  • Gifted and Talented;
  • Intellectual Disability;
  • Physical Disability;
  • Speech and Language Disorders;
  • Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties.

4. Learners with Special Needs following the Regular Pathway and those following SNE pathway are identified and correctly enrolled;

5. Cases of transfer of learners from one school to another are brought to the attention of the Sub County Director of Education and KNEC.


CBCCBC CurriculumGrade 3 ExaminationsHead TeachersKEYAKNECSCDE