Role of the father in their Children’s Education

Role of the father in their Children’s Education

Child education starts at home and fathers play important roles in a child’s life; his support for learning activities at home is critical to children’s education. A balance of education at school and home helps the child to learn better. Parents, especially the father’s encouragement, has always played a crucial role in successful students. The father has more involvement in the children’s socialization and learning as compared to the others. Father can build a strong bond with their child if he gives proper time to them. Children with an involved father achieve academic success and a better attitude toward school. They are less likely to fail, drop out, or develop behavioral concerns.

Here are some ways in which fathers can become involved with their children’s education

Make a strong father-child relationship

Recent research from the University of Georgia, USA, shows that involvement of the father in the play, or caregiving, and time, given to the child on working and non-working days, have an impact on the child-father relationship.

Journal of Family Psychology, reveals that fathers who choose to spend time with their children on non-workdays are developing a stronger relationship with them.

Fathers who spend more time regarding childcare during working days develop an excellent relationship with their children.

Be a role model of their children

A child can be easily inspired by what their father does; it would be good to be a role model in their developing and learning phase.

As we know, parents are the first teacher and so learn the first thing together at home. Tell them about the importance of studying and learning and show them how exciting and meaningful a school life can be if they give out their best. Doing things together with parents give them a sense of support, confidence, and helps them to learn fast. Inspire them to learn in and out of the school in a friendly way.

Help them with a home assignment

Father relations can be stronger if he helps their kids for their home assignments. Giving support to them in their studies would lift their spirit for learning and help them to perform better in studies. Show it with small action such as helping them with the home assignment, school work, and other creative work.

However, it is not good to do every task but give them some tips and guidance in doing the homework better and give tips for improvement. Father should encourage them to submit their assignment on time and also motivate them for learning new things.

How fathers can be best friends to their children

A father can be a good friend of their kids. He needs to give the children space, to share anything that gets to their mind and room to express their true feeling.

A good father can offer a helping hand despite what all comes their way. It would boost their confidence level and help them to perform better in social activities and also in studies. Besides schoolwork, a father’s active role during their study life can help them to grow up with better behavior and improved social skills.

The latest research shows that students with good support from home get high grades.

Talk to your child about school

Talking with your child about school is the best way to understand what’s going on during their school and what they learned the entire day. If you pick your child from school, you should ask him/her, during the way, about what they did during the day.

A father should ask a question like what’s one thing you learned today that you didn’t know this morning when you went to school? What was your favorite / most enjoyable thing that happened today?

Talk to your child about their class progress with their teachers also.


Those fathers who engage in a variety of positive parenting behaviors and adjust their parenting roles in accordance to the prevailing circumstances and demands of each day are most likely to develop a better relationship with their children.
