Ribe Boys High School Contacts

Ribe Boys High School Contacts

Ribe Boys High School is a Boarding Boys categorised as National, has updated school phone contacts, and email address.

Ribe Boys High School Contacts Ribe Boys High School Contacts/caption]

Ribe Boys High School Principal and Contacts

Benson Manoo is the Ribe Boys High School Principal.

To contact Benson Manoo through the phone, use the number:0722911402.

Ribe Boys High School Location Ribe Boys High School Location/caption]

Ribe Boys High School Location

This Boarding Boys Boarding Boys school is located in Rabai Sub-County, in Kilifi County.

The school has an enrollment of over 1042 students.

Ribe Boys High School Phone Numbers and Email Address

Phone Number
Email Address

School Summary Details

Ribe Boys High School 
County Kilifi
Sub-County Rabai
Status of School National
Type of School Boarding Boys
Number of Students enrolled 1042 Students

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