Media Council of Kenya demands action taken against Magoha’s Bodyguard

The Media Council of Kenya has called on the government to take action against Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha’s bodyguard.

They claim the bodyguard sexually harassed and threatened two journalists in Kisumu yesterday.

MCK Chief Executive Officer (CEO) David Omwoyo said that the issue was saddening and embarrassing.

He urged the authorities to investigate the matter and take legal action against Magoha’s bodyguard.

He also implored officers who take care of Very Important Persons (VIPs) security detail to have respect for media personnel and give them the freedom to do their work.

“We urge VIP security detail to respect Journalists when they are doing their job by asking questions. The journalists are not armed and they are not attacking the VIPs you are guarding,” said Mr. Omwoyo.

The MCK boss was speaking on Friday in Lodwar as communication officers and journalists underwent training that MCK organized.

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The incident took place on Thursday as Prof George Magoha inspected desks at Kosawo Primary School. One journalist then collided with the bodyguard while attempting to take pictures of the Cabinet Secretary with the pupils.

“Nation Media Group Photographer Ondari Ogega accidentally collided with the bodyguard whose identity has not been determined. Mr. Ondari Ogega apologized. However, as he came out of the classroom, the bodyguard of the CS followed him and reached for his genitals, squeezed them, and threatened to do more outside the classroom,” said Kisumu Journalists Network (KJN) chairperson Rushdie Oudia.

According to the report, the bodyguard is also have harassed female media personnel. The report comes after MCK made public a report Titled Press Freedom Violations detailing 62 percent of journalists either went through sexual harassment or know a person who has undergone the same.

The study also showed that 73 percent of female journalists were likely to undergo sexual harassment while working.

Kisumu Journalists NetworkKJNKosawo Primary SchoolMCKMCK CEOMedia Council of KenyaPhotographer Odari OgegaProf George MagohaRushdie OudiaSexual harassmentVery Important PersonsVIPS Bodyguards