Mbajone Primary School Parents, Administration Come To Terms

Mbajone Primary School Parents, Administration Come To Terms

2021 is a new year and fresh beginnings certainly are the theme at Mbajone Primary school as parents and the school administration have had a change of heart.

In September last year, while pupils of the school stayed home because of the COVID-19 pandemic, parents stormed out of the compound, took two bulls, and slaughtered them in a feast.

More than 90 parents of the school carried twigs and chanted as they defied their chief and police to hold the feast.

The two bulls used to be used to provide labor at the school by pulling a cart that carried water from a stream. The water would then be used to sprinkle in classes that have earthen-floors to eliminate reduce dust.

The parents enjoyed the feast of over 250kg of meat before selling the school cart to one of the parents and then divided the amount among themselves. The school store was also not left out as the parents raided the grains store and took maize and beans and harvested others from the farm.

The actions were because of a conflict between parents and school administration over alleged mismanagement of funds.

Parents blamed the headteacher (now transferred) for selling school pigs without following the correct process. The fact that the teacher could not account for the money annoyed the parents.

Parents said they did whatever they did for the sake of their own children.

In 2021, however, the parents of Mbajone are seeking to start afresh. The parents yesterday promised to buy new bulls to help bring water to the school.

In these COVID-19 affected times, water is vital to every school environment as it is required for washing hands regularly to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Parents Teacher Association member Mr. Moses Koome colled a meeting on December 28 where they promised to give the new headteacher Mr. Josephat Gituma full support.

He said that parents, most of whom are small-scale farmers contributed maize, beans, and sorghum to feed their children when schools reopen on the 4th of January.

They also raised money and bought items like sugar and soap. A sum of Sh 60,000 was also contributed to purchasing a new bull.

Mr. Koome revealed that parents had many complaints concerning the former headteacher that made them annoyed with the school.

“Each parent contributed Sh 1,500 to recruit more teachers yet we do not know how the money was spent,” said Mr. Koome adding that the school has six TSC-employed teachers.

The PTA member also did not understand why classrooms still needed to be watered even after the headteacher received Sh 800,000 to cement them.

The Board of Management chairman also said that they were keen to give the new headteacher all the support he needs to run the school without any problems.

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BOM chairmanCovid-19COVID-19 GuidelinesMbajone Primary SchoolMr. Moses Koomenew year resolutionsParents slaughter a cowPTA memberschool cart