Matumbei Secondary School Contacts, and Physical Location

Matumbei Secondary School, a Day school of Sub County status, has updated school phone contacts, and email address. Read on:

Matumbei Secondary School Principal and Contacts

Peter Ngugi is the Matumbei Secondary School Principal.

To contact Peter Ngugi through the phone, use the number:0723819205.

Matumbei Secondary School Location

This Day Day school is located in Endebess Sub-County, in Trans Nzoia County.

The school has an enrollment of over 695 students.

Matumbei Secondary School Phone Numbers and Email Address

Phone Number
Email Address

School Summary Details

Matumbei Secondary School 
County Trans Nzoia
Sub-County Endebess
Status of School Sub County
Type of School Day
Number of Students enrolled 695 Students

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Form 1-4 Topic by Topic Questions and Answers (ALL Subjects)

Form 1-4 PowerPoint Slides Notes

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K.C.S.E Revision Materials

Form 1-4 KNEC Syllabus

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1996 – 2019 K.C.S.E Past Papers

Mock K.C.S.E Past Examinations Papers And Marking Schemes

University Resources

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