KEWOTA Requests TSC for 500 positions

After the recent announcement by the Teachers Service Commission regarding the opening of new positions, KEWOTA (Kenya Women Teachers Association) has made its request to their employer- the Teachers Service Commission to grant them at least 500 of the newly advertised positions. Their claim is those female teachers are also worthy of 50 % of those new vacancies. “This is in line with the commission’s commitment to the principle of equal employment opportunity through an affirmative action plan, through which it makes good faith efforts to recruit and advance qualified individuals without discrimination,” said Kewota’s Chief Executive Officer Bena Opande.

The new TSC positions

The TSC Is expected to recruit 1,000 principals and deputies for secondary schools and 6,000 headteachers and deputies for primary schools. Additionally,240 curriculum support officers(CSOs) and quality assurance officers will also be recruited. The commission is also seeking 16 chief principals in Grade D5 for national schools whose current earnings are between sh 121,814 and sh 157,656 per month without including their allowances.

The commission also wants 516 principals in Grade D3 whose basic salaries are between sh 93,850 and sh 102,807. Another 91 deputy principals II in Grade D3 are also being recruited together with 204 deputy principals II in Grade D2 who usually earn between Sh 82,717 and 87,900 per month. This move by the TSC will create more job opportunities for teachers since there are 53 principals,121 deputy principals I, and 355 deputy principals II in secondary schools across the country.

Points to note are that the commission is not recruiting senior principals who are in grade 4 and that the deadline for applications has already passed.

A master’s degree is not a necessity for the new positions

About the available vacancies, the Kenya Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) have opposed the said requirement for principals to have a master’s degree, in the argument that it discriminatory and punitive at the same time.

“We petition that the demand for a master’s degree for school Principals be withdrawn,” said Kuppet secretary-general Akelo Misori.

2019 TSC JobsKEWOTATSCTSC JobsTSC Vacancies