How to Smartly Educate Your Children from Home

How to Smartly Educate Your Children from Home

During this lockdown, children have access to television and a few newspapers with educational content. However, this doesn’t seem to be enough, as the majority of students below university are not accustomed to studying new topics by themselves. Here is where their parents have to come in as substitute teachers, and these are the ways they can do it perfectly.

1. Use the internet.

Devices like smartphones, tablets and computers with access to the internet give easy access to books, information and online classes.
Parents do not necessarily need to buy these gadgets for their children, since they can use their very own to teach them. This may even be more effective since the parents shall be around to supervise their children to ensure proper usage of these gadgets.

2. Expose them to educative mass media.

Televisions and newspapers recently started collaborating with school owners and teachers to ensure daily coverage of their syllabi.
It may not be so effective because even when the slow learning students don’t understand what is being taught, they can’t raise their hands to ask questions as they do in class. As such, it is better for parents to watch these shows with their children so that they are available to demystify what the children have failed to understand.

3. Step into the teachers’ shoes.

You have gone through school, haven’t you? Well, teachers introduce topics, teach, discuss, answer questions, give tests, mark, help out through corrections and repeat the same process over and over.
Calmly do this every single day that you come to help your students out. However, you cannot fully turn home into school, so find a middle ground between being a teacher and a parent/ guardian.

4. Make it more active, not passive.

If what you actually picture when you read this is buying a chalkboard, white board or whatever board, stand in front of your children in a formal dress code and conduct all your lessons in a private room, you might be wrong. Home is home, and school is school. There shall always be a difference.

However, you can use this as an opportunity to imaprt knowledge into your children while;

•Taking a stroll around the compound.
• Doing house chores with them.
•Giving live examples from your homestead.
•Giving them assignments that require them to observe around them.
•Watching television and pointing out the things that resonate with the topics of study.

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5. Use rewards.

Have you noticed that a couple of students perform better at school because their parents promise a certain sum of money, a trip or a gift worth the effort?

It’s not like you’re paying your children to grasp what you have already paid the teachers to teach them. No. You are giving them motivation.

Remember, not all children are foresighted, and working for short term goals does not test anyone’s patience.

Have they impressed you? Buy them a milk shake, a brownie, pizza or help with their data subscription after they have aced your assignment.

6. Create an ambient environment for them to study.

Bring all the study materials that you have access to, hang charts allover the walls if possible. Ensure dead silence whenever it’s time to read—no radio, no TV, no mobile phones.
This is just half the step, because some parents remember that their children have to go to the shop, wash dishes or take care of the baby after they’ve settled to read. So, it’s all up to the parents to create the ideal atmosphere.

7. Teach them life skills.

Besides all the adverse effects this lockdown had dragged with it, it has bridged the wide gap between parents and children, and now might be the chance that parents have to teach their children, literally anything.

Among the life skills are:
•Doing house chores like cooking, doing laundry, etcetera.
•Crafts making.
•Physical exercises and self defence.
These will sharpen their cognitive skills and their obedience to your instructions.


Albert Einstein once said, “If you cannot explain it to a six year old, then it’s not worth hearing.” The gem in this quote is simplicity. It’s really hard to stay interested and focused on something that’s hard to understand, so keep it simple. Some teachers fail to make their students understand, because they cannot break complicated topics into simple, bite-sized details. Sometimes, all you need is to translate a concept from English to the student’s local language.

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