How to Download Egerton University 2020/2021 KUCCPS Admission Letters

The admission letter to Egerton University is a document that contains provisional information on the certificate, degree, or diploma that Egerton University has offered you to pursue. The admission letter contains the following details.

  1. Detailed information concerning the course you are to pursue.
  2. Information about the institution offering you admission.
  3. The school/faculty/college.
  4. The particular course one is pursuing
  5. Duration of the course

It is important to note that the admission letter for 2020/2021 will be available at the Egerton University Portal once the KUCCPS selection exercise is completed.

Students selected for the academic year 2020/2021 can download their admission letters from the Egerton University portal (https://

How to download 2020/2021 Egerton University admission letters

Admission to Egerton University is exclusive to only 2019 KCSE students who KUCCPS placed to Egerton University. It is therefore important to confirm from the KUCCPS website whether KUCCPS placed you to Egerton University.

Upon confirmation of your admission status, proceed to the Egerton University portal: https:// to download your admission letter.

Follow these steps to download your Egerton University letter admission letter:

  1. Visit the Egerton University portal via: http://
  2. Login on the portal using you username and password or index number.
  3. Go to the admission letter section, download and print your admission letter.

In case you need to make further inquiries on admission contact Egerton University through:

Egerton University Nakuru Town campus

Email Address:

Tel: 254-051-2217891/2 254-051-2217781

Address: P.O Box 536 Egerton 20115 Kenya


Located at Stanbank House, Moi Avenue (Opposite Hilton Hotel).

Tel: 0736309390, 0704309390

Egerton University Njoro Campus

Email Address:

Tel: 254-051-2217891/2, 254-051-2217781

Address: P.O Box 536 Egerton 20115 Kenya

Egerton UniversityEgerton University admissionEgerton University admission letterKUCCPS