How to Apply for June 2020 TSC Teaching Job Vacancies for Primary and Secondary School in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera

How to Apply for June 2020 TSC  Teaching Job Vacancies for Primary and Secondary School in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera

Teachers Service Commission is inviting applications from suitable teachers for the advertised June 2020 Teaching Vacancies for Primary and Secondary School teachers in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera Counties. Here are the details on how to apply for the above posts.

The Commission advertised a total of 1,517 posts (1,148 posts for Primary Schools and 369 posts for Secondary Schools) for teachers on Permanent and Pensionable terms to fill vacancies in the above three counties.

Basic Requirements to Apply for June 2020 TSC Permanent Teaching Job Vacancies in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera

(i)        Be Kenya citizens from Mandera, Wajir, or Garissa Counties.

(ii)       Must have original Professional and Academic Certificates.

(iii)      Must be registered as a teacher as per Section 23 of the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012.

(iv)      Must be holders of PI Certificate (for vacancies in Primary Schools)

(v)       Must be holders of a minimum of Diploma in Education Certificate (for vacancies in Secondary Schools)

How to Apply for the June 2020 Permanent TSC Jobs Vacancies for Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera

All interested candidates who meet the required qualifications should make their applications online through TSC Website: so as to be received not later than Tuesday, 30th June 2020.

The Teachers Service Commission Recruitment Guidelines 2019/2020 shall apply.

The Teachers Service Commission will only deal with TSC County Selection Panels and Boards of Management in this exercise. Individual applications to the Commission will NOT be considered.

Successful applicants must not fill employment forms in more than one station as this will lead to disqualification.

Caution to Applicants for the June 2020 TSC Permanent Teaching Job Vacancies in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera

(a)       The recruitment exercise is free of charge. The Teachers Service Commission would wish to forewarn applicants against fraudsters who might extort money from unsuspecting persons purporting to assist in recruitment.

(b)       Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously been employed by the Teachers Service Commission.

Any fraudulent activity should be reported to the nearest police station, TSC County Directors, Sub-County Directors or to Teachers Service Commission headquarters through the following telephone lines:

1          Director (Staffing)  Tel:0202892193

2          Deputy Director (Staffing)           Tel:0202892131

3          Deputy Director(Staffing) Tel:0202892132


Write to the Commission through the email address

For detailed information on available vacancies in Counties and Schools applicants are advised to:

  1. a) Visit the TSC Website or
  2. b) Contact the TSC offices at the County or Sub-County.

The Teachers Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer and Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) are encouraged to apply.


2020 Jobs2020 TSC Jobs2020 TSC VacanciesTSCTSC ContractTSC JobsTSC VacanciesTSC Vacancies for Secondary Schools 2019