How to Apply For a Replacement of Your KCPE Certificate

How to Apply For a Replacement of Your KCPE Certificate

Have you lost your KCPE certificate or had it damaged in a fire? Well, the good news is that the Kenya National Examinations Council (KCPE) implemented a policy for the replacement of certificates for cases like yours.

KNEC now replaces KCPE certificates for those individuals who sat for KNEC examinations between the years 1981 and 2nd March 2009.

However, do note that KNEC issues a replacement for your lost KCPE certificate only once. The following is the procedure on how you can replace your lost KCPE certificate.

Applying In-person

  • First, you are required to fill the KNEC Certificate Replacement Form when requesting a replacement KCPE certificate.
  • You can access the form from the KNEC website or get it from the KNEC archives and Records Offices.
  • Next, you fill in the details required and then attach relevant documents to accompany the form.
KNEC Certificate Replacement Form Pg 1
KNEC Certificate Replacement Form Pg2

Documents needed in your application for a replacement certificate

The following are the documents that you shall present with the application.

  1. A copy of the certificate(s) or result slip(s). This is mandatory.
  2. A letter of recommendation from the headteacher of the school attended or from CEO (County Education Officer)/SCEO (Sub-County Education Officer) for private candidates or those whose schools closed down addressed to KNEC; (Original copy is mandatory).
  3. A sworn affidavit on the identity of the applicant. An original copy is also mandatory.
  4. A letter of recommendation from the employer to KNEC. The original copy is mandatory.
  5. A police abstract indicating the loss of your certificate. You will have to do a report at the point of loss of the certificate.
  6. A copy of your identification card (ID)/Passport of Birth Certificate in case you(the applicant) are under the age of 18 years. The name on the Birth Certificate or ID must tally or correspond with those used during your KCPE examination. Those who have changed names legally must attach legal documents that they used to change their name e.g. marriage certificate for women or a copy of the Gazette the changed name appears. This is mandatory. In case examination details differ, KNEC will not process the application.
  7. A KNEC bank deposit slip. An original copy is mandatory.

Required Fees

The fees required to replace your KCPE Certificate if Kshs. 5,000/= plus 16% VAT which is a sum of Kshs. 800, totaling Kshs. 5,800 per certificate.

Banks where you can pay the fee

You can pay the fees at KNEC collection accounts in any branch of the following banks:

  1. Co-operative Bank of Kenya
  2. National Bank of Kenya.
  3. Equity Bank
  4. Kenya Commercial Bank

KNEC deposit bank slips are available in the above-listed banks.

Address to submit the duly filled form

After filling the form, submit it to the following address:

Council Secretary/Chief Executive

Kenya National Examinations Council

P.O Box 73598 – 00200,

City Square,


When can you get your replacement certificate after a successful application?

You will get the KCPE Certificates after six working days from the KNEC offices.

The owner can only collect the replacement certificate in person by presenting the original passport or ID. One of the parents should accompany minors and the applicant must go with their original ID to the KNEC offices.

In case an applicant will not collect their certificate within a period of two years, it will be disposed of without further communication. The applicant will not be refunded for the uncollected certificate.

Read also:

KCPE certificateKCPE certificate replacementKCSE certificateKenya National Examinations CouncilKNECKNEC Certificate Replacement Form
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