To download joining instructions for all categories of schools be it national, extra-county, county or sub-county, you can do so through the online portal on the Ministry of Education’s website via the link: using the procedure below:
The Procedure
- On the main menu, choose the category of the school i.e. National, extra county, county or sub-county, and then submit the candidate’s index number.
- At the bottom of the next window, click on ‘Admission letter’ to open the admission letter.
- Use the printer icon to print or the download icon to down to your computer and then take it to your primary school headteacher to endorse and stamp the letter.
What Joining Instructions for Form One 2023 Entails
After you have downloaded the Form One 2023 admission letter, the student will need to go through the details and prepare adequately for joining form one.
The admission letter contains the following details and joining instructions:
- The logo of the secondary school the student was selected to.
- Name of the KCPE candidate and a congratulatory message for having secured admission to the school.
- Section where the primary school teacher will endorse and stamp the letter. The headteacher will also be required to sign the letter.
- Reporting date of the student and timelines for arrival. In most cases, a candidate is required to report during working hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during weekdays. However, some schools do admit learners even during weekends.
- A letter of introduction from either your area Chief, pastor, or Father-in-Charge of your Parish/Mission.
- A letter of introduction from your primary school headteacher.
- A certified copy of your result slip for the 2023 KCPE examination
- A certified copy of your BIRTH CERTIFICATE or document to prove your date of birth
- Two passport-size photos
- Photocopy of the IDs of the candidate’s parent(s)/guardian(s)
- A medical certificate (Fill in the provided medical form MHS/A/3)
Other materials a selected form one student is supposed to report to school with include:
- The Bible ( version will be specified)
- Geometrical set
- School hymnal
- Information on any requirement for a special diet. Schools do not provide special diets but any medical concerns should be reported to the School Nurse immediately upon admission.
- Beddings
- Personal effects include but are not limited to:
- Handkerchiefs
- Shoe polish
- A pair of black shoes
- A pair of sports shoes
- 6 white under-wears and 6 white vests
- Towels
- Toilet paper
- Washing soap
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- A plate and a spoon
- A ¼ liter cup
- Metal bucket, 2 rubber squeezers
- Lockable trunk
- Sippers