Grade 4 and Class 8 Assessment Timetable Released

Grade 4 and Class 8 Assessment Timetable Released

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has released the timetable for the assessment examination of Grade 4 and Class 8, which learners will do on Monday.

Schools will assess Grade four learners for four days, that is, from Monday to Thursday. Class 8 students on the other hand will do their examinations for three days from Monday to Wednesday.

On the first day, Grade 4 learners will do examinations on English learning, reading, and speaking aloud for a period of ten (10) minutes per child.

Teachers will test learners with special needs for a period of fifteen (15) minutes each in English Braille, listening aloud, reading, and speaking aloud, according to the guidelines that KNEC provided.

Learners with hearing impairment will undergo English observation and signing, and English signing and reading for a period of ten (10) minutes per learner.

On the second day, teachers will assess learners in English reading comprehension, writing, and Grammar for a period of one hour and 20 minutes. Those with special needs on the other hand will undergo a one hour and 50 minutes test. Learners will also sit for Environmental activities, technology, and science assessment examinations.


On day three, pupils will undergo testing in Kiswahili, speaking, listening, and reading aloud. They will do Kiswahili Grammar and writing tests on the fourth day.

Class 8 candidates will undergo Mathematics, English language, and composition writing on the first day, with Science, Insha, and Kiswahili language done on the second day. The candidates will undergo the final tests on Social Studies and Religious studies on the third day.

KNEC acting Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Mercy Karogo said the Global Partnership for Education grant supports the assessments as the government mitigates the impact of the coronavirus on the systems of education and helps in evaluating how to achieve recovery.

The assessments will test pupils on their ability to remember what they studied over the years and help them in concentrating their minds on their education after the corona-enforced break of more than 7 months.

KNEC through the National Assessment Centre is conducting a school-based learning assessment in primary schools.

Headteachers of schools that have not registered on the KNEC portal will liaise with sub-county directors for assistance on the same.

Dr. Karogo said learners in Grades 1, 2, and 3, and Classes 5, 6, and 7 will undergo assessment once they have resumed learning. The Ministry of Education other learners are possibly going to report to schools any day between October 26 and November 2.

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha said on Monday that the Ministry is assessing the situation before they recall learners to schools soon.

However, yesterday Elimu Yetu Coalition national coordinator Joseph Wasikhongo said that a decision to recall the other pupils would still be too early.

“For now, the opening of school for the other learners is not a good move. This could put the lives of the children at risk,” said Mr. Wasikhongo.

Read also:

Dr. Mercy KarogoGrade 4 and class 8 assessmentKNEC assessment guidelinesKNEC assessment timetableKNEC CEONational Assessment CentreReopening FrameworkReopening of schools