Biometric Enrolment And Validation Exercise forces TSC to Give Teachers Certificates of Registration

Biometric Enrolment And Validation Exercise forces TSC to Give Teachers Certificates of Registration

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to give thousands of teachers Certificates of Registration with the Biometric Enrolment and Validation Exercise (BEVOT) exercise set to be done in the near future.

A Certificate of Registration is an important tool in the BEVOT exercise as it acts as proof of teacher registration. The Certificate will only be given to teachers who are working under the Teachers Service Commission.

The BEVOT exercise was to be held in September but was paused following a report from the piloting exercise which revealed that only thirty-two per cent of teachers had Certificates of Registration.

The piloting exercise was launched on the 17th of May 2021 at Nyeri High school and was then conducted in 143 selected public schools.

The TSC Director for Administrative Services, Ibrahim Mumin, was the one tasked with overseeing the piloting exercise. The exercise used to start at the official working hours between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

According to the Commission, the BEVOT exercise will enable it to verify the distribution and utilization of teachers across the country. Besides, the Commission will be able to know the areas of teaching specialization, validate enrolment in public schools and authenticate bio-data and records of employment.

“The Biometric registration will involve validation of teachers in all public primary and secondary schools, Teacher Training Colleges, Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) and Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE),” read the brief regarding the concept.

During the exercise, teachers will be required to prove a valid postal address because that is where the Registration Certificate will be sent to.

TSC also revealed the crucial items that teachers will be required to provide during the planned exercise.

The following are the required items:

  1. Certificate of Registration
  2. National ID Card
  3. Letter of first appointment
  4. Letter of last appointment
  5. Academic Certificates

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BEVOT exerciseBiometric Enrolment and Validation Exercise (BEVOT)CEMASTEACertificate of RegistrationIbrahim MuminKenya Institute of Special Education (KISE)Teacher Service Commission