Biology Paper 1 Examiner Dies in KNEC’s 2019 Marking Exercise

Biology Paper 1 Examiner Dies in KNEC’s 2019 Marking Exercise

Kenyan teachers have once again lost one of their own, an examiner of biology paper one.

The lady examiner was marking this year’s 2019 KCSE Biology exams at Lenana high school when the demise struck.

Colleague teachers at the center said the examiner collapsed during the exercise. She was then taken to Kikuyu hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Last Month, KCPE Examiner Died

The death of this examiner follows the passing on of a KCPE marker from Tusunini Primary, Makueni.

Mr. Robert Kiua Muindi died after a short illness during the 2019 KCPE marking exercise. He too was later pronounced dead in the hospital.

2019 KCSE Marking Marred with Unfortunate Incidents

KCSE 2019 marking has been marred by numerous unfortunate incidences. It started by Business examiners at Machakos Girls High School downing their tools. The examiners cited low pay, harassment, and poor working conditions as the cause.

The Machakos Girls incident was later followed by the companions at Starehe Girls Marking center. They too claimed similar working conditions and low pay propelled them to strike.


A Teacher gives Stern Warning to 2019 KNEC Contracted Examiners On Strike

Mwalimu Caleb Onkoba gave the 2019 KNEC examiners a stern warning in relation to the marking contract they accepted.

The teacher on facebook reminded the examiners on risk involved if they terminate the KNEC contract prematurely.

He wrote these while they had downed their tools claiming poor working conditins.

Below is an extract from Mr Onkoba’s Post on Facebook:

I warned you in advance, before bidding your wife and children bye for KCSE marking, did it elope your memory that it was a binding contract.

Did you read some phrase like”contracted professionals”? By accepting the offer alone it’s binding.

Did you remember how many cases the
TSC lawyers have lost in the recent past while on payroll? Do you think they will fail to interpret the law to Njeri’s ear this time you boycott marking?

Did it occur to you that Magohas want the results before Xmas? Who fooled you examiners? Are you aware the marking centres are under CCTV surveillance 247?

You dug your own grave. Pray that they play it linient a thing I suspect not possible.

lf you don’t want something, keep off that territory. You can’t jeopardize a permanent job for s temporary one. You can do without the marking all together if you feel it’s lowly paying than be interdicted for breach of a contract.

l had told you to check the thesaraus for the meaning of that word before rushing to accept and print and sign your interdiction documents.

Teachers boycotting marking exercise currently ongoing, risk sacking along with a jaiI term. They are serving under a contract of which they agreed it terms.

By downloading their acceptance letter to undertake the exercise, the poorly paid teachers in a name of examiners, did put a noose at their neck. They are only standing on a support lever and any miscalculation will lead to death of their employment followed by incarceration.

Exploiters are great schemers, their eye view covers 360 degrees, they see a head and prior plan for any eventuality.

Ring leaders will be identified and stroke, they will be accused of inciting a desertion of a core duty, putting the lives of more than a million kids at Jeopardy. They will be accused of shaming the government while violating an agreement. Examiners, swallow your pride and do the duty you voluntarily engaged in.

KNEC Has not Responded on Biology Paper 1 Examiner’s death

As of writing this post, the Kenya National Examinations Council KNEC has not given a formal response on the death of the examiner at Lenana high school.


Examiner dies at LenanaKCSE 2019KNEC Examiners