4,005 Intern Teachers Rewarded With 1-Year Extension

4,005 Intern Teachers Rewarded With 1-Year Extension

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced a one-year extension for the 4,005 interns teaching in schools across the country. Besides TSC also announce the availability of 1,995 internship vacancies for teachers. 1,038 of these have been allocated to primary schools while 957 have been allocated to Secondary schools.

This latest advertisement is surely going to be a huge respite to thousands of secondary and primary school teachers who have been waiting to get their chance to serve the Commission as Interns with the added advantage of gaining pre-allocated marks for serving in the internship programme.

The internship program has a duration of one year through the Commission can choose to extend the period depending on various factors. For instance, interns who did not manage to be recruited on a permanent basis were allowed to continue working for a further year in the internship program.

The duration of the internship is normally a period of 12 months.

The internship program is meant to address the ever high shortage of teachers in schools as well as engaging those teachers who are qualified and registered with the Commission but are not yet employed on permanent and pensionable terms.

On the part of the unemployed teachers, it is an opportunity to equip and gain the crucial experience required in the teaching profession.

Main Requirements

  1. You should be a Kenyan citizen.
  2. You should be a registered teacher (registered with the Teachers Service Commission).
  3. For primary schools, an applicant should be a holder of a P1 certificate while for secondary schools, one should be a holder of a minimum of a Diploma in Education Certificate for Secondary school teachers.
  4. Be ready to be posted to any public school across the country.
  5. Have a personal Accident Insurance to cover Personal risks encountered during the duration of the internship.
  6. You should not have been previously employed by TSC as a teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.
  7. You should possess original academic and professional certificates.

Additional requirements for successful applicants:

  1. Copy of your national Identification card or a passport.
  2. Copy of the teacher registration certificate or a printout from the TSC website.
  3. A copy of your National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) card.
  4. A copy of your Kenya Revenue Authority Personal Identification Number (KRA PIN).
  5. Two (2) copies of coloured passport size photographs.
  6. A certificate of good conduct that is valid.
  7. A copy of the National Council for Persons with Disability (NCPWD) card, where applicable.

Currently, primary teacher interns earn a monthly salary of Sh. 15,000 while their secondary school counterparts earn Sh. 20,000 per month. These amounts are subject to statutory deductions.

After completing the internship, a teacher is usually awarded an internship certificate.

To apply for the advertised internship vacancies, make your application online via the TSC website via the link: www.tsc.go.ke and then click on Careers, OR visit the link www.teachersonline.go.ke on your browser.

You should make your application by the 27th of September, 2021.

Dr Nancy MachariaTeachers Service Commission (TSC)TSC Chief Executie OfficerTSC internsTSC internshipTSC internship program